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Customer Advance

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Dana Farber Cancer Institute

The Translational Research Laboratory, which is embedded within the Belfer Center of Applied Cancer Science at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, researches and clinically tests critical unmet needs in monitoring of oncology treatment from blood and other routinely clinically accessible tissue not addressed by routine pathology. They track patient response to targeted therapies through minimally invasive sampling of circulating tumor cell-free DNA. Early detection of emerging resistance informs clinicians about changes in tumor phenotypes.

The Need

  • ​Ability to add maximum amount of plasma DNA to ddPCR reactions 

  • Protocols with the ability to handle higher volumes of samples

  • Less variation in results

  • Lower cost per sample

  • Save hands-on time



Confidence in the results:
Ability to enrich more low abundance mutant alleles
– improving the chances of detecting more mutant
alleles in the samples.

Increased throughput:
Automatable protocol allows the lab the ability to
significantly increase throughput.

Save hands-on time:
Hand’s-on time savings using the automated
protocol versus the manual protocol.​

“We appreciate the concentrating effect
of the NEAT (Liquid Biopsy Kit) protocol.
We can assay as much as possible in one
reaction in a downstream genotyping
– Yanan Kuang, PhD
Senior Scientist, Project Leader - Translation Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

The Solution

Capture, Concentration, and Extraction


Capture and


NEAT Liquid Biopsy Kit
with Automation


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