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Detection of C. auris in Wastewater Using the GT-Digital C. auris Wastewater Surveillance Assay Kit for the QIAGEN QIAcuity Digital PCR System

Updated: Jul 10, 2024

Candida auris is a worldwide opportunistic fungus that can colonize in many areas throughout the human body, including blood and skin tissue, and that is also shed

in stool samples. It has continually been declared an urgent threat by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It has limited treatment options due

to its persistence within healthcare settings, as well as the fact that it exhibits strong antifungal drug resistance. Surveillance of wastewater at a community level can

increase preparedness for the treatment of C. auris infections by aiding in the identification of potential antimicrobial resistance genes present within this pathogen in a community.

In this application note, see how to concentrate and extract C. auris and C. lusitaniae within a wastewater sample using a robust and high-throughput method.



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